Friday 22 June 2007

Payments update and Rhinegoldmarketing closes

Rhinegoldmarketing has sent out an email to confirm they will be closing there site, below is the update:

It's with a heavy heart I have to close the rebate earnings for now.
Amount paid out has now surpassed the intake and this round is done. The
site has stopped taking upgrades until a new launch.

I hope you made some profit, and for those at a loss I'm sorry.

We just didn't get enough votes on monitors and money just stopped
coming in. Next time I will probably make the earnings lower to accommodate
for slow growth.

Surf-factory and happysurf are two other sites that have stopped payments, happysurf website is off-line and looks like these two can be written off.

143dailygold have been paying me now for the last 2 weeks without delay and i see this site is moving quite well, they have daily payouts and the ROI is 11% for 13days. another site that i received my first payment was 13dailysite, which pays out upon expiry, i got my payment within one day and was back on board the same day with a nice ROI of 130% too.

Got my first payment from swiftmoneysurf yesterday and i see there raising high to number 3 in ASAmonitor which has been helped along with the daily voting function.

Launching of multiple sites
We will now start launching sites daily. Some sites will be subdomains on other sites, some will be full featured sites. You've already seen mysurflive image hosting mysurf live profit calculator. We just made a recipe site. No it has nothing to do with making money but along with the sites we launch that will help you make money, we are also launching sites just for fun. You may visit and add or copy recipes. Our next few sites will be a link exchange, a paid to blog, a video game code website, a jokes website, a wholesale resources and info site, a free and paid webhosting site and many many more. Stay tuned to the news each day. We are now number 3 at ASAMonitor! Wow thank you everyone for voting daily. By the end of July we should be number 1. We will continue to progress with more websites and more money making opportunities.
If you didn't see our commercial on the ASA Newscast, you can check it out here Commercial

Payday: 143dailygold, stocksurfs, swiftmoneysurf, 13dailysite