Monday 4 June 2007

RhineGoldMarketing and Mrs Vee launch

Got my first payment from GoldOverDose which was paid within 24hours and i have just added another daily payout program to my list called RhineGoldMarketing which pays 9% for 16 days (total ROI 144%) with a 50% rule for payout more than $2, accepts E-gold,E-Bullion and Alertpay and payments are within 24hours and 3% commision.

Heres the llatest update on Mrs Vees latest program to compliment her other program:

V-Lane Traffic–Phase II of the MrsVIP plan–is about to come your way. With all the unsteadiness going on, we hope to provide people with some stability–we’ll be different for sure: no instant gratification here; just building of something worthwhile for yourselves. If you haven’t watched the latest GEMCAST: you might want to tune in; very informative (check for Newscast #12).

Here is the “low-down” for what will be offered:

3 Options: Surf

1%/ 365 Days: Option to compound on last day of the
month…Cashout on
1st of month: payment within 24-48 hrs max
Max Amt: Ruby level: 3,000; Emerald level: 5,000; Diamond Level: 10k
Upgrade amt: $1 per ad views
5 Credits per view purchased
2 sites max
Ref Commissions: Ruby: none; Emerald: 1%; Diamond: 2%

2%/ 65 Days: Cashout 1st day of the month: Payouts between 24-48 hrs
Max amt: Ruby: 1k; Emerald: 2k; Diamond: 3k
Upgrade amt: $1 per ad views
5 Credits per view purchased
2 sites max
Ref Commissions: Ruby: none; Emerald: 1%; Diamond: 2%

Variable-3-8%Daily; Cap: 115% (will move up as our streams become
more stable and consistent: we intend within 30 days of launch to go to
118%–and upwards every other month with a TOTAL cap of 120-125% eventually that can fluctuate based on returns from OUR income streams: will never be lower than 115%)
Cashouts upon expiry:
Payouts in 3 biz days.
Max amt: Ruby: 300 per day; Emerald: 400 per day; Diamond: 500 per day
Upgrade amt: $1 per ad views
5 Credits per view purchased
2 sites max
Ref Commissions: Ruby: none; Emerald: 1%; Diamond: 2%
Other “tidbits” for surf:
Processors: STP, AP, & EBullion (debit card to come)

Admin fees:
Ruby: 5% across the board for putting money INTO the “Virtual Wallet”.
Emerald: 5% for AP; 2.5% STP & EB
Diamond: 4% AP; 2% STP & EB
Any transaction of money FROM cash balance (ie: compounding in 1% option,
moving money FROM balance TO wallet, or cashing out to processor) 1% transaction fee only-
Any purchases made once funds are IN wallet: $0

Matrix info:

3 Levels:
Ruby: $20 per month- pays to level 5 & offers a $5 FSBonus
Emerald: $40 per month-pays to level 7 & offers a $15 FSBonus
Diamond: $60 per month-pays to level 9 & offers a $25 FSBonus

Until later~~

Payday: GoldOverDose, PSTraffic