Interview with Trent of Getting-Green
First i would like to thank Trent for allowing me an opportunity to interview him and for taking time to from his busy schedule to enlighten us on Gettin-Green.
1. Please introduce yourself to our readers.
My name is Trent Padgett, I have been in the autosurf industry for about 3 years now, so I know what members are looking for in an admin, and I am here to give that.
2. What is your position in Gettin-Green?
I am the admin and owner of Gettin-Green.
3. Why did you decide to open Gettin-Green?
I wanted to open a site because I wanted to run a successful autosurf. I want to make my members happy, and make myself a little money along the way. I plan on making this money through banner ads on my site, around $500-$1000 a month there, and by investing myself.
4. How would you describe Gettin-Green? What special about your AutoSurf that will ensure your longevity within the industry
We have a much more stable ROI. A lot of autosurfs try to come out with a high ROI to grab quick attention to themselves, and draw in a lot of new members, where I know my site will be around for a while, and over a period of time I will get members by trust, and by having a successful program.
5. Many Autosurf are Ponzi schemes, How do you plan to pay your ROI? Do you have any clear business Plan?
There is really no way to support any autosurf site that I know of, Even a site that pays .05% a day for 300 days is still a ponzi. I plan on running my site the best I can, being as active with my members through emails and forums as possible, and when It does come time to close my site, It will be because it has ran out of money, not because I have ran away with the money.
6. Being a program admin yourself, what do you think of the excuses admins usually provide for closing their programs? (Excuses like my Mum is in the hospital, or I am very sick, etc……
I think from the start admins figure out how they plan on closing their programs, some do it the right way, some the wrong. A lot of admins actually do get hacked, some claim to be hacked, and others just run away without saying a word.
7. Using one sentence, why would you advise our readers to join Gettin-Green?
Gettin-Green will be around for months to come, we have a very stable ROI, and I am very supportive to my members, and will continue to give regular updates, which is very important for success.
Thanks Trent.
Latest update on 9planetnosurf:
Just checked the stats and pleased to report 782 accounts and reached the magic 500 active accounts, seems JS has found a winner!!! If you have not joined yet its not to late....
Below is an update from JS
February 15th Update.
Well hello folks!
I can't believe how will this is going! Well, I've calmed down now,
installed a new power supply and have just purchased a backup device that
will also allow me to do incremental backups on my machine at the
office where suits are prohibited, naps are recommended, and the hours are
I've been monitoring the main MMG thread about 9planetnosurf and it's
quite active! I also gather that many well-known personalities in this
industry have joined and from the numbers, yes, I can believe that!
Welcome aboard to all!
The numbers keep climbing and the incoming spends are even doubling
over the same period from the previous day.
Many of you, especially those who are bringing in others into the
programme, may have already noticed the prompt payments from myself, unless
the amount is above $500 (then that takes me more time to verify
everything) or if am caught snoring during your w/d request (above $500
again). Please do check your e-gold accounts to verify that you have been
It would also be a good idea for you to monitor the MMG thread on my
programme daily, as I post there regularly, mostly answering questions.
As we go those questions and answers will be added to our Knowledge
Base and so the support burden should decrease over time as more and more
folks understand how this one works and new folks can find the answers
in the KB.
Here is one of my posts of today, a third attempt to explain how
interest and withdrawals work, using one plan as an example:
To make it easy, let's say you put in $100 into the 12 days 10 to 100
0 - deposit made
1 - 12% of 100 = $12 is deposited to your internal account, this is
held for 3 days so no w/d can be requested
2 - another $12 is deposited to your internal account, 3 day hold on
this one, day 1's dep is at 2nd day hold now
3 - another $12 is deposited to your internal account, 3 day hold on
this one, day 1's dep is at 3rd day hold
4 - $12 in, 3 day hold on it, day 1's dep is now ready for w/d, just
request it, day 2's dep is at 2nd day hold
and so on! Once the 12th deposit is made to the internal account, 3 day
hold, most of the others are off hold and if you did not yet request a
w/d you can at any time now. By day 15 all deposits to the internal
account are off hold.
Now, for each w/d request, it may take me from minutes to 5 days to pay
you out. Right now, as MOST folks will witness, especially with ref
comms, that the w/d is ... pretty darn tootin' instant!
Now, in view of the fact that the min. w/d is $10... some of you who
have only put in $10 or $20 will be at a disadvantage as you will have to
wait until the available balance exceeds $10. And that's not good for
you. So here is what am going to do immediately: am lowering the min.
w/d to .... 3$ OK? I thought so.
And here is an explanation that basically covers it all:
There are two types of earnings: earnings from commissions and earnings
from interest on your spend.
Your spend is locked in for the duration of the plan. When the spend
expires, it takes three to five days for me to pay you. You need not
request a w/d, just like you needed not request a w/d in any of the surf
programmes, for expired upgrades. They simply went into pending status
until Admin paid them out.
Addendum: the above is only true of the plans that give you actual
Profit, not ROI, and where the principal is returned to you after the
expiry period. So that applies to the Long Term Plan only. The other plans
give you ROI, meaning that with each interest payment to your internal
account (daily) you are receiving part of the principal or init spend.
So by the expiry (12 days) there is no expired spend to return to you.
Instead what happens is that each day you get 12%, say, of your 100, and
that goes to your internal account and it will become available for
withdraw 3 days later (that's what I've set it to). Then the next day's
interest of 12% of that 100, again goes to your internal balance, but is
held for the next three days before you can w/d it. You see? This
continues until the entire 12 days are done, and the last interest deposit
of 12% on that init 100 will be held for a final 3 days.
So.... you can request a withdrawal as soon as enough of the interest
deposits go out of being held and accumulate past $10 as that is the
minimum w/d amount. And that's how that works. The difference between that
and say 12by12daily, is that in the latter you actually had to wait
12+5 or more days to withdraw ANYTHING. In this case, you can withdraw
within 3 days, if it's over the $3 min. You see? It's nice! Confusing at
first, but after you understand it you will see that you have the
freedom to start getting your spends back just after 3 days. Hmmmm... should
I increase that to 5 days????
In addition, in my set up your ref commissions are deposited into your
internal account and you may request a w/d at any time (on those). I
will look at it, deliberate, and then pay you.
So if you click on the Withdraw button, you will see how much is
available to you and how much is being held. I'll have Blondie add this
explanation to the Knowledge Base.
Keep up the good work in spreading the word and remember, let's have
some fun!
Payday: Gettin-Green
ух ты, Мне кажется это отличная мысль
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